OpenShot 2.3.2 Released with Various Bug Fixes

A new release of the open-source video editor OpenShot is available to download.
OpenShot 2.3.2 brings fixes for ‘a few big issues’, including a nasty crash caused when scaling video clips down to 0 pixels, and inconsistent detection of the libopenshot library.
Everyone will appreciate that the size of the OpenShot source code is reduced in this release. Space savings were found by compressing images, removing unseeded files and so on. Smaller source downloads mean smaller installers, and smaller installed sizes. A win-win for everyone.
Other notable bug fixes solve:
  • Issue when deleting, undoing, and then moving a clip
  • Crash on undo/redo when deleting a clip
  • SpaceWars 3D title
  • Right clicking on a unselected timeline item does not fully select it
  • Capture multi-digit version numbers

Get OpenShot 2.3.2

OpenShot 2.3.2 is available to download for Windows, macOS and Linux.
Source code and a distro-agnostic AppImage are available from the OpenShot website.
The official OpenShot PPA provides the latest stable releases of OpenShot for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and above.
If you fancy playing the hugely popular game of ‘Will this version of OpenShot work without crashing?” open a new Terminal window and run this command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openshot.developers/ppa
sudo apt update && sudo apt install openshot-qt
Once the install has completed you will find a glossy OpenShot launcher item available in your application launcher/menu.
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Haykel Maaoui

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